Tu Ha An - Dreamlike & Multicultural Illustration

Let's make the impossible possible

Originally, this is a story of failure and impossibility. And that story is told in a video.

But what is impossible? What failure are we talking about?

All these questions are answered in the video below (with English, Vietnamese and French subtitles).

This video is a bit special, as it was shot in 2 parts, about a year apart! You will find the explanation in the second part of the video.

The game-changing feature that makes the impossible possible

As mentionned at the end of the video, I am in the process of making a documentary! It is called “BEHIND THE DREAM”, the “behind the scenes” of a dream. This documentary will take a realistic look at the transition from the perfect salaried life on the surface to the creative freelance life.

It is THE big project that I have mentioned in some of my recent articles.

After 2 years of infusing the project and 6 months of hard work applying for a grant, I am finally delighted to be able to talk openly about it.

We will have the opportunity to delve deeper into this subject over the coming weeks and months. I’ll be taking you with me on this cinematic journey, which has been on my mind for two years and which I’m convinced will have a positive impact. But to make it happen, I need your help.

Help me bring BEHIND THE DREAM to life

If you want to become a creative freelancer (not just a videographer or illustrator…), but just imagining this future is impossible for you, I suggest you share your dreams, fears and questions with me via this form.

And if you’re a family member, friend or loved one of a creative freelancer, I’d also love to hear about your apprehensions, doubts and concerns for that person. Don’t hesitate to write to me using the same form.

Before shooting the series, scheduled for this summer, I’ll draw lots among those who fill in the form to offer a small gift to one lucky person. 

To support this project, you can buy a cup of coffee for me and my little team here: https://ko-fi.com/tuhaan because yes, we’ll need a LOT x1000 of cups of coffee to bring this film to life, between right now and October 2024.

Keep creating!

Tu Ha An

*Please consult the information on Copyright & Intellectual Property before copying or mentioning the content and images of tuhaan.com

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